A Superbunny Christmas, an original musical by Michael MacKenzie Wills based on the second installment of the award winning children’s book series Thumperino Superbunny by Amber L. Spradlin. In this tale, Superbunny, a New York City house rabbit blessed with super-powers, discovers that the star has been stolen from atop the tree in Christmas Tree Plaza. The holiday will be ruined for millions of children if the star is not found in time for Christmas. He sets out on a mission to return this pinnacle of Christmas joy to New York City. Along the way, he uncovers a vile plot, rescues 100 of his fellow rabbits from an evil villain, and wins the trust of a special new friend. Superbunny teaches many positive lessons to children like over-coming physical challenges, good eating habits, determination, sharing, teamwork, sensitivity to the needs of others, and much, much more. Superbunny is joined by a charming cast of characters played by a mix of live actors and puppets