Set in a slum in Manchester, an industrial city in Northern England, the story of the play concerns a working class adolescent girl who when abandoned by her mother, finds romance and sweet comfort in an all too brief encounter with a black sailor. When he too disappears, the girl, now alone and pregnant, turns to another type of consolation from a homosexual male art student who not only acts as a surrogate mother to her, but also sweetens her life with his impractical dreams, ultimately transforming her ability to cope with her troubled existence. A Taste of Honey is written by Shelagh Delaney, and directed by Peter Jensen.
Additional Performances: Saturday, November 27 at 3pm, Saturday, December 4 at 3pm.
No Performance: Thursday, November 25.
For group sales (10+), call 212-741-0209.
Appropriate for ages 14 +.