Attorney-Client features two actors, each playing two characters. In each scene the actors, one Black and one White, alternate between playing either a co-defendant or an attorney involved in the same criminal case. Tom and Lester, two college students are charged with a hit and run. Tom comes from a wealthy family, and his parents hire an aggressive private attorney, Derek, to defend their son. Lester is assigned Ryan, a well-intentioned public defender. The two codefendants become enmeshed in the criminal justice system that tries to pit one against the other, and in the process the play reveals societal fissures in race and class. The play proceeds at a fast clip, which makes it a fascinating challenge both from a staging as well as an acting perspective. Veteran director Pat Golden masterfully stages the piece on a minimalist set at a fast tempo, and the result is that the audience is treated to a theatrical high-wire act, which raises the already very high stakes in the play to a thrilling level.