Navigating his travels in India, an out-since-13 American finds love and must relearn to see queer. Matthew daringly claims his mythic ancestors and messily mashes (pop) cultures. In the sticky space between sexualities, intimate landscapes of sensuous political variety await.
Hannah Cook (Scenic Design) is an artist and scenographer Harbor, NY. She holds a BA from Muhlenberg College in Theatre (performance studies/scenic design/directing) and Studio Art. She has studied at Queen Mary University of London and at two Prague Quadrennials. Scenic design: Mental Landscapes: An Evening of One-Act Plays (Muhlenberg), VOYEUR (Parson’s Blacksmith Shop, Springs, NY), EVE (LTV Studios, East Hampton; Judson Church). Hannah is the head scenographer for the Neo-Political Cowgirls, directed by Kate Mueth.
Emerging queer storyteller Matthew Dicken (Writer/Performer) recently returned from a year in Jaipur, India, where he studied Hindi on a U.S.
Dept. of Edu. fellowship. In New York, Matthew has worked with Incubator
Arts Project, National Theatre of the United States of America, banana bag
& bodice, and The TEAM. Matthew holds a BA in Theatre from
Muhlenberg College, where butyou’reaman was commissioned and
developed. He hosts “Only Connect,” a queer podcast.
Arthur Strimling (Director/Dramaturg) was a founding member of the
Talking Band and appeared in several works directed by Joe Chaikin. He
has directed and/or performed at Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors, 92nd Street Y, Public Theatre, Symphony Space, Jewish Museum, and venues across
the country. Recently he collaborated with performance artist Suzanne
Lacy on Between the Door and the Street (Brooklyn Museum and Creative
Time). Arthur is Founding Artistic Director of Roots&Branches Theater, a
25-year-old company that brings elder and young actors together to create
original plays about age, ageing, and generational connections. His stories
have appeared in many periodicals and collections.