About the Show

Developing Acts Company presents Buzz Cuts, one-act plays by Paul Buzinski, directed by Li Murillo.

The plays are:

CHURCH MUSIC- A woman dips into a church for momentary solace and ends
up in hell. With Claire Bliss as GAYLE and Kymm Zuckert as JANICE.

DINNER PARTY- A couple of struggling artists are reminded that
‘stuggling’ is all relative. With Artie Ray as BOB, Jennifer Bechem as
AMY, Paul Trupia as MAN, and Sarah Rose as WOMAN.

WAITING FOR THE RAIN- A secretary wakes up one day and realizes her
life is going nowhere fast. With Lillian Small as JESSICA, Mel Squires
as DOT, Paul Wilcox as OLIN, and Maureen Chandler as JULIANNA.

BLUEBERRY PANCAKES- The least likely person in the world who should
have a gun receives one. With Tony White as BILLY, Deidre Johnson as
BABY, and Brian Lee Elder as PUDGE.

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