In their ongoing efforts to present every play George Bernard Shaw ever wrote, Project Shaw presents Captain Brassbound’s Conversion. One of Shaw’s most fully-charged comedic romances, the play was inspired by Sweeney Todd and tells the story of a man who has been driven to a life of revenge. When faced with the opportunity for extracting it, however, he realizes how empty such a life is. In the end, a cunning manipulation of the truth ensures that fairness, rather than justice, prevails.
The cast for the reading of Captain Brassbound’s Conversion includes Veanne Cox, David Lansbury, George S. Irving, Lenny Wolpe, Tyler Maynard, Allen McCullough, Simon Kendall, John Keating, Terry Wynne, Michael Riedel, Howard Kissell, Adam Feldman and Merwin Goldsmith.
The Irish born Shaw, who died at age 94 in 1950, is one of the most prolific writers of plays, books and treatises in the English language. His unyielding stand for human rights, particularly for women’s rights, has become legendary. He encouraged general political awareness and the need for people to fearlessly forge their own individual path while taking responsibility for their place in society.