The Best of 13 presents a Tom O’Neil Festival. Cat and the Moon by award-winning playwright Tom O’Neil. Directed by Kim Davies. Based on a short play by William Butler Yeats, Tom O’Neil’s spiritual comedy follows two beggars on a journey to find a cure for their ailments at the holy well of Saint Coleman. A peculiar duo, the lame one acting as eyes for the pair and the blind one serving as their legs, they find a host of troubles and difficulties as they travel through a world that seems to be made from their own dreams and longings. Little do they know that the mysterious Saint has his own plans for them – and that the cure they seek is not as simple a matter as they thought. (About THE BEST OF 13: 13th Street Repertory is bringing back many of the best plays produced by the repertory over our 36 year history. We begin The Best of 13 with a festival of plays by our award-winning, resident playwright, Tom O’Neil Festival featuring his Kerouac and Cat and the Moon.)