The sequel to Character Dog Run, Character Dogville (inspired by the movie by Lars von Trier) is a series of three improv towns. Each week there’s a different town with different characters from Dog Run… but now the rules have changed.
Running since 2003, Character Dog Run incorporates previously conceived characters, audience participation, improvisation and a lot of laughs. Director and host Stacy Mayer brings together the funniest character actors in the city under the guise that they’re “People she’s met at seedy New York City bars.” These characters interact with the audience in the bar before performing their scenes, making guests feel like a part of the show. From there, it’s one big SNL style comedy party.
Janaury 19: MiddleVillage
Join Mrs. Buns (town baker), Sue Anne Marie (clairvoyant orphan), Carmeline (truckstop hooker), Johnny Wonderful (Las Vegas lounge star) and Bad Ass Larry (no explanation needed) as they take audiences on a whirlwind tour of MiddleVillage. Starring Stacy Mayer (MC² Artistic Director), Kassi Dougherty (Harsh), Matt McCarthy (MTV), Katina Corrao (VH1 Best Night Ever), Carolyn Castiglia (Chicks & Giggles) and Hiram Flores. Opening with stand-up by Brian Morris and Dino with special excerpts of Margie Suvalle’s newest solo show.