Julia never bought a baby before. Okay, she’s adopting, but the agency sure makes her feel like she’s buying a baby. Couples competing in the free market of love. Bad ovaries but good credit? Step right up! Did you know some kids are discounted? A black baby—which is what Julia and her wife are seeking—costs 1/2 of a white baby. Almost makes Julia and Amy want to run out and start a chapter of the Black Panthers – and Amy’s white! The one saving grace is that the waiting time for adopting a black child is six months instead of the two years it takes for a white baby. Oh wait, a gay couple? Make that a year. What’s that? Julia is a recovering alcoholic? And she’s insisting on including that info in their Dear Birth Mother letter? Make that anywhere between 2 years and… Hilary Clinton’s second term! But only five days after signing the contract at the adoption agency, a bomb drops…