Liquored-up and down-to-f*ck: it’s Stanley, Blanche, and STELL-AAAAA. They’ve traded in fried-green melodrama for red-hot dubstep, and when the beat drops the French Quarter will never be the same. A heart-stopping, pill-popping remix of Tennessee Williams’ sexiest play.
DESIRE! [A VARSOUVIANA] continues in Less Than Rent’s signature “no-rules” approach to classic material. The production integrates found text with original material while also deconstructing preconceived notions about the play itself. LTR first experimented with this style on Richard 3, which premiered in a sold-out run at the New York International Fringe Festival. It also received Fringe Excellence Awards for Outstanding Actor (Jake Ahlquist) and Director (James Presson). It was next used in the Crucible-inspired Witches of Salem, which premiered at Fordham University in the spring of 2012. This will be the third in the series.