An irreverent, satirical musical revue with riotous parodies of your favorite holiday songs, high-energy dancing and lots of outrageous humor. Follow the Carolers as they travel door-to-door and by accident end up singing Christmas tunes in a Jewish household! But no matter; thanks to several Jewish-themed numbers and a painstakingly inclusive Christmas Pageant, a mirthful time is had by all…even atheists! Enjoy such “Calamity Classics” as: “Oy Vey! Maria,” “I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus (in Texas),” and “Angels We Have Seen While High” as well as special visits from the spooky “Sexes” of Christmas past, present, and future! (Don’t Go) Home for the Holidays is performed with lots of heart and fun loving spirit, not to mention four-part harmony!
Added Performance on Sunday, December 24th at 7:00 P.M.