As an elegiac “anti-narrative,” the work constantly appropriates and then redefines the boundaries of family drama, cerebral philosophical interludes, and garish sideshow spectacle. The classical relationship between Agamemnon and Iphiginia is used as a blueprint, as well as the model of Pavlovian stimulus-response experiments, and the play explores and explodes notions of American nationalism, blind patriotism, and the collapse of the individual blighted by endless media-streams and bellicose doctrines.
This show is presented as part of the New York International Fringe Festival.
Friday, August 13 at 5pm
Saturday, August 14 at 12pm
Tuesday, August 17 at 10:45pm
Thursday, August 19 at 10:45pm
Saturday, August 21 at 3:45pm
Thursday, August 26 at 5:45pm
Friday, August 27 at 10:30pm
Saturday, August 28 at 8pm