In 2002, the Pentagon approved a new interrogation technique at Guantanamo Bay called “Invasion of Space by a Female.”
Alice followed orders, but doesn’t remember.
Bashir was interrogated by her, and can’t forget.
Today he’s come to pay her a visit.
Fifteen years after serving at Guantanamo Bay, Alice has medicated away her memories of Gitmo and nested with her husband and daughter in the Midwest. But when Bashir, a former Gitmo detainee, finds his way to Alice’s flower shop, his demands force Alice to reconcile their shared past, splintering the civilian life she’s so carefully arranged.
Lidless explores the nature of trauma, the conflicting eroticism and brutality of violence, and the blurry line between revenge and redemption. The human body is the central staging ground of this drama: from the abuses of prison and the power of sex to the ravages of disease and the physical toll of shame and guilt, Lidless maps a nation’s political actions onto the private bodies of its citizens and enemies.
Please note that due to the layout of the theater late seating for Lidless will not be possible.