Beverly Bonner and Joan Phillips present Manhattan Towers, a comedy written and directed by Bonner. The show is about entertainers and actors living in a high rise in Manhattan: Lu holding down the fort in the laundry room of the building while she writes her play, her man-hungry smart talking side kick Mona, Bambi, the model trying to pass for Black so she can hold onto her “Black Women Loving” television producer husband, Brett, Patrick the robotic handy man, Dooley the sneaky doorman, Monroe who hasn’t met a woman who he didn’t think could help him further his career, Lareese, Lu’s bitchy but beautiful, television correspondent sister, Gena Reynolds, the Casting Director who maintains a casting couch for very young male actors, Boxie, actor who has fallen on hard times and lives in a box in the laundry room, Charlotte, the poor man’s Scarlet O’Hara obsessed with Tennessee Williams plays and other things, and cops with their own theme music and agenda, Foxie Beige in all her 70’s finery, and others!
Performances on the following dates: NOVEMBER, 5th, 19th & 26th / DECEMBER, 3rd & 10th, 2003/ JANUARY 7th, 14th, 28th, 2004
FEBRUARY 4th, 11th, 18th, April 7th, 21st, 28th, May 19th, 26th
June 2nd, 9th, 23rd, 30th, July 7, 14th, 2004
Group Sales: Group of 10 and over $17; Group of 20 and over $15. Call 212-946-5344.