David Leopold (downtown’s crown prince of perversion) presents Margaret Trigg Memorial Burlesque. . .comedy, music, scantily-clad men–her idea O heaven!
DAVID LEOPOLD presides over an evening dedicated to the spirit of the late comedienne Margaret Trigg–with the same kind of outrageous, sometimes stomach-churning comedy Leopold & Trigg purveyed (when they weren’t scratching each other’s eyes out for stage time).
Join David Leopold, his special guests, and–of course–the scantily-clad men.
Featured Performers:
—Abrahams and Caramelli–The dance stylings of. . .
—Mr. Billy Idol Jr.–Bringing up the rear
—David Leopold–Topical comedy from your host
—The O’Debra Twins–The outrageous comedy of Tanya and Diane
—Dan Smollyan–Folk legend
—Delivered on the skin!–Maurice Thornhill, renowned adult entertainment critic
—. . .naked boys, brilliant wit. . .a great night.–Leanna Conley, Two Drink Minimum Magazine