Two novice muses, as different as night and day and constantly at each other’s throats, are sent to Earth to inspire a young woman to write the “Great American Novel.” The problem: all she’s ever written are poems about her cat. Into the mix is thrown a college production of As You Like It; an insane director who may or may not be the reincarnation of the Trojan prophetess Cassandra; Lenny, a hipster obsessed with jazz-age lingo; and Carlos, a celestial being who calls himself “The Toad of Infinite Waters.” What follows is a darkly hilarious look at the lengths we are willing to go to in the pursuit of artistic expression.
hope theatre presents the world premiere of playwright/director Kelly McAllister’s Muse Of Fire. Written in Mr. McAllister’s unique style, which has been described as a “cross between Eugene O’Neill and John Patrick Shanley,” the play follows the success of hope theatre’s production of McAllister’s Last Call at last year’s Fringe Festival (recipient of the Fringe’s Excellence in Playwriting Award).
Saturday, August 9 at 5:15PM
Sunday, August 10 at 12:00PM
Wednesday, August 13 at 7:30PM
Saturday, August 16 at 2:45PM
Wednesday, August 20 at 9:30PM
Saturday, August 23 at 1:00PM