The Subjective Theatre Company (STC) presents the world premiere of Party Discipline: A Political Transformation Seminar, written by STC members and directed by artistic director Zachary R. Mannheimer.
After 5 years of producing left-leaning political theater that’s free and open to the public, the Subjective Theatre Company has been soul-searching and examining new ideas. Can big business improve life for the little man? Is the jury still out on evolution? Can homosexuals find straight love? Is the war in Iraq making us safer? Should America pass legislation to protect the unborn? Is STC joking, or is this the dawn of a new political movement? Through songs, prayers, seminars, and group activities, Party Discipline provides some unlikely answers.
Part of the Ignite Festival.
Thursday, October 5 at 9:30pm
Saturday, October 7 at 9:30pm
Sunday, October 8 at 4pm
Thursday, October 12 at 7:30pm
Saturday, October 14 at 7:30pm