The Paper Bag Players, long established as the country’s foremost theater for children, has created a brand new show packed with laughter and excitement. From “When Winter Stayed Too Long” to “Mama’s Cooking” to the audience participation numbers, “Toot Toot” and “Alligator Feet,” the show is pure fun. Costumes and scenery made from ordinary paper bags and cardboard, plus some brightly colored paint, amaze with their simplicity and beauty. A special treat for children, a memorable experience for the whole audience. Conceived, written, directed by Judith Martin, with music composed by John Stone and Donald Ashwander.
Schedule: January 22 February 6, February 19 March 6, 2004 Saturdays at 2 pm & Sundays at 1 & 3 pm
Additional Performance: Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 1& 3 pm at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway at 95th Street. For more information on this performance, call 212-864-5400.