In response to the climate of terror, schools in NYC have returned to a 1950’s cold war sensibility. Ritalin for Two takes place in the basement of an Upper East Side private girls’ school, where two students, Lindsay and Vee, have found themselves on the wrong side of the bunker door. All alone, except for the company of the voice on the public address system, the girls begin to dissect their privileged lives. What does the future hold? Will there be a tomorrow? And if there is a tomorrow, will it include a top SAT score and a storybook wedding? While they look for an exit (safety, Ritalin, food and water), they discover reasons to stay. What are these girls capable of when there’s no supervision and they believe it could be their last day on earth? The girls mitigate their feelings with denial, humor, and medication, and seek solace with the audience.
There is no performance on Wednesday, August 25. Instead, there is a performance on Tuesday, August 24 at 8pm.