Roaring Around is a 70-minute carnivalesque ride of richly distinct works created by KC Chun and Jennifer Schmermund over the last two years and presented together for the first time in New York. This program demonstrates the creative breadth and physical cunning of its innovators whose work is as delicate and nicely-mannered as it is charismatic and unruly. Schmermund’s quartet, Stark Ravings, explodes in a relentless series of full-on crashes as private moments unravel publicly. The manic pace of the piece is underscored by the music of composers, Nick Didkovsky, Frederick Chopin, and J.S. Bach. We meet the three women of Chun’s No Treading poised precariously at the edge of a pool. Driven by the original, percussive score by John Toenjes and Ken Beck, they daringly dive and dash in unyielding, unfolding spatial designs. Sarah Hook’s new piece, Collywobbles, created for Chun and Schmermund, refers to an English colloquialism for “having a bellyache”. The work is set to Amalia’s Secret by Nick Didkovsky and recorded by Bang on The Can All Stars. This work is an athletic frolic for two inmate playmates inspired by both Winnie the Pooh and Edgar Allen Poe.