Sex and Sealing Wax is a one woman show about sex roles and the role sex plays in our lives. Seven characters from the past to the present get down and dirty with the way they see themselves in the media mirror – and confront archetypes that just won’t go away. Meet a 1950’s Bride, a ’50’s Stripper, a 70’s Child trying out Barbie’s latest sex roles, a conservative London Housewife of the 60’s, a Long Island Divorcee, a Widow and a Latino Libertine who tells all. In a climate of rising “moral values” and shrinking “freedoms,” sex roles are becoming more strictly deliniated than ever. Sex & Sealing Wax takes a piercing look at just how much things have really changed since the sexual revolution.
Thursday, July 21st at 8:30 pm
Saturday, July 30th at 6:00 pm
Wednesday, August 3rd at 6:00 pm