Ragged Blade Productions presents Somebody Else’s Life by Jerry Rabushka as part of the 2005 SpotlightOn Halloween Festival. You down with the blond, big boy? Sometimes it’s all about the hair. The blond head on the grocery bagger. The black ‘stache on the cowboy. Sometimes it’s enough to make you wish you could be someone else. Or at least, have somebody else’s life. On one side is Chuck – the cowboy who’s most likely never ridden a horse, but drat if he doesn’t have the duds! On the other side, young Ryan bags groceries and pines for the love of his life – a new feeling at 16. In the middle? Politics and religion! What happens when a marriage loses its sanctity? Can a gay couple and a straight couple live next door to each other if there isn’t enough sanctity to go around? Hilarious, yet chilling, full of surprises, and with as much fun as can be had with a pump organ, Ragged Blade Productions invites you to spend a few moments living Somebody Else’s Life. Directed by Greg Hunsaker.