That Damn Dykstra (the boxed set), a blistering collection of short plays and monologues from the twisted comedic mind of Brian Dykstra, is back for one night only at the Access Theater.
“Brian Dykstra is working hard to turn ranting into a new genre, and if he succeeds comedy may not be safe…the word flow feels unstoppable “he can make you think as hard as you laugh, Dykstra displays striking comic powers.”
-The Village Voice
If this were Miles Davis The Boxed Set, you’d have an amazingly eclectic mix going from bebop to cool to fusion to funk, many brilliant, all creatively inspired and each in a different way. “That Damn Dykstra (the boxed set)” also contains a number of very different grooves – from poetry-slam verse to veiled social satire to Seinfeld-esque short plays seemingly about nothing.
“Seinfeldian Comedy with this kind of intelligence and edge would be right at home on the sharper satiric cable shows. Fans of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart will be pleased.”
“Fast-paced and poetic – Brian Dykstra has more on his mind than garnering laughs.”
-Electronic Link Journey
“Brutally funny, fast, furious, and intelligent. The overall effect of the production is to use intelligent dialogue to show the contradictions and expose the banalities of our modern lives – very funny and sharp night of comedy and entertainment not to be missed.” -Theatrescene.net
“Insane, Wacky, strange and downright hysterical.”
-Gay City News