EXTENDED! Three new performances added:
Sun Feb 10th 8 PM
Mon Feb 11th 8 PM
Wed Feb 13th 8 PM
Ever wondered what the picture would have looked like if you
hadn’t been there to take it? Ever noticed how a stranger’s gaze changes you?
The More You Look is an evening of short plays written in response to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which implies that you cannot observe something without changing it. The plays represent each playwright’s vision of how this scientific principle is at work in our world today.
Get over your physics phobias as an acclaimed group of
writers and actors takes you on an exploration of the relationship between the looker and the ‘lookee’.
Conceived and Directed by Holly Cate
Produced by Soo Kim
Lighting Design by Douglas McAlinden
Set Design by Luca Novelli
Set Decoration by Corinna Ughi
Sound Design by Jeff Stone
Written by: P. Seth Bauer, Brian Dykstra, Patrick Kennedy,
Jill C. Klein, Jeff Lewis, Ruth McKee and Jonathan Tolins
Featuring: Katherine Cunningham Eves, Patrick Frederic,
Dominic Hawksley, Brian C. Homer, Billie James, Heather Landry, Shakai Shepard and Paul Taviani