Lulled by nursery rhymes, a man’s thoughts are haunted by what separates his identity from
his addiction. Life’s beauty entangles with the heavy security of his addiction’s lifeblood when
what is real is only perceived through touch. Flashbacks fade between dreamlike and authentic,
familiar and outlandish; but can his skin’s memory be trusted within the “big empty space” of his
drug use? Dance, multi-media, and text give a chilling look into the world of an addict.
THE SANDMAN’S COMING is conceived and directed by Molly Ballerstein. The cast includes
Anya Gibian, Nelson Patino Jr., and Lantie Tom. The production team includes choreographer
Dana Boll, stage manager Joel Rudzinski, associate producers Kristin Dwyer and Rachel Kerry, with original music and sound design by Dede Booth.