Romeo and Juliet marks Shakespeare in the Square’s second indoor production. During our time outdoors, we saw it all: blizzards (during a production of Macbeth, no less), dachshund parades, flash floods, errant children, etc. We’re bringing some of that insane energy into The Gym at Judson. Our actors are accustomed to performing on a bare stage, interacting directly with the audience, and playing multiple parts – Romeo and Juliet will be a continuation of that tradition.
SITS is attacking the play head-on, without the crutch of ‘concept’ or cutting. We’re performing the uncut Folio text at a speed that guarantees the “two hours’ traffic of our stage” and not a minute longer. Romeo and Juliet promises to be the show that launches Shakespeare in the Square into the next stage of its career as well as an unforgettable night of theatre.