Bread and Puppet presents the Victory Over Everything Circus. The show combines slapstick with the choreography of beautiful blue horses and the dangerous acrobatics of “The Tigers of Consumption”. Zebra’s gracefully dance to live music performed with the help of many local volunteers. Although the Circus deals with politics of the day, it is fun for the whole family.
Bread & Puppet Theatre, one of the country’s oldest and most successful
alternative theater groups, was founded in 1962 by Peter Schumann, a
German-born sculptor. Inspired by ancient folk traditions as well as
classical artists like Goya, Massacio and Michelangelo, Bread & Puppet
Theatre quickly began to illustrate everything from children’s fairy tales
to the daily news. As the puppets grew bigger, often approaching — and even exceeding — human scale, the theater pieces began to grow more complex, incorporating elements of sculpture, music and dance.
By the mid-1960s, the company had become involved with a variety of
contemporary social issues and had begun to stage ambitious public events
like rent strikes, voter registration parades and, during the Vietnam War,
block-long street demonstrations.
In the early 1970s, Bread & Puppet Theater relocated their current
facilities on an old farm in Glover, Vermont. The company’s tradition of
social engagement lives on today in the form of public productions held on a
variety of social, political and environmental themes, and in the annual
“Our Domestic Resurrection Circus”, a two-day summer festival. They have
also played a part in the many demonstrations that have been held recently
against the NAFTA and the War in Iraq. Bread & Puppet Theatre tours
extensively and has appeared in North Africa, Venezuela, Australia, Italy,
France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Taiwan and elsewhere.