Welcome to a grand spectacle of skill! A dazzling display of dexterity! A clever cabaret of comedy! Willkommen to Vivace! Gathered upstage is a quintet of musicians playing everything from Beethoven with a bossa nova beat to Strauss as heavy metal. And here, center stage, are some of Berlin’s finest performers, with an exhibition of electrifying entertainment just for you. Feast your eyes on the lightning-quick hands of Andreas Wessels, who takes juggling to the pinnacle of perfection as orbs and blazing timber effortlessly fly from his fingers. Marvel as German Rhythmic Gymnastics Kristin Sroka transforms ordinary balls, metal rings and giant oil cans into elegant dance partners. Be amazed as “body musician” Jojo Weiss toots the world’s smallest trombone between his teeth, squeezes out a Mozart classic from his clasped hands and demonstrates how to play ping-pong opposite a paddle-less opponent.