Local Infinities Visual Theater presents its critically acclaimed show, Wax & Wayne at The 2003 New York International Fringe Festival. This original visual theater piece stunned Chicago and international audiences as part of the Performance Art Chicago/Edge Festival this past April and at the 2002 Oerol Festival of Site-specific Theater in the Netherlands.
Hailed by the Chicago Sun-Times’ in its 2002 year end review as “probably the most incredible sight on any stage,” the production spins the tale of a woman emerging from a waxen statue as her doppelganger plunges into his own vat of 140° molten wax. The show uses the material of wax to paint the metaphor of the waxing and waning of creative identity. Meghan Strell and Larry Underwood return in their roles as Wax and Wayne with direction from John Musial, ensemble member of Chicago’s influential Lookingglass Theater. Tom Howe’s original score incorporates wax instruments and recordings.
MON 8/11 @ 8:30
TUE 8/12 @ 8:30
WED 8/13 @ 8:30
THUR 8/14 @ 8:30
FRI 8/15 @ 8:30
SAT 8/16 @ 2
SAT 8/16 @ 8:30
SUN 8/17 @ 8:30
MON 8/18 @ 8:30