The show will draw on The Asylum Street Spankers fourteen year history, both on-stage and off, with a one-of-a-kind and supremely entertaining take on what it’s like to be a Spanker. What? And Give Up Show Biz? seamlessly interweaves the Asylum Street Spankers’ signature four part harmonies and consistently inventive arrangements — not to mention their penchant for adult humor, frank discussions of sexuality, drug use and/or rock and roll
— into a sit down, laugh-out-loud and sing-a-long theater experience.
What? And Give Up Show Biz? includes Spanker favorites such as “Winning the War on Drugs,” “Blue Prelude (from Hot Lunch)”, “Why Do it Right?,” and touches on classic quandaries such as what happens when the tour bus’ brakes fail when barreling down a mountainside, how a stuffed monkey can almost end a band, what really happens before the show, what sadly happens after the show and why the corporate party from hell always pays so well.