Six characters in a single space, three women married to three brothers play a game in which all will be losers. A family business has closed, and there is a meeting to talk about it. Lunch is served, but it will never be eaten.
Women Dreamt Horses is presented as part of BAiT (Buenos Aires in Translation), an international theatrical collaboration bringing together four of the most dynamic playwrights from Buenos Aires, Argentina (Lola Arias, Federico León, Rafael Spregelburd, and Daniel Veronese) with four U.S.-based directors (Brooke O’Harra with her company The Theatre of a Two-Headed Calf, Jay Scheib, Yana Ross and Juan Souki) to present a repertory program of English language world premieres. This is the first time that any of these remarkable playwrights will have their plays presented in the United States.
NO PERFORMANCE: Sunday, November 5th