The acclaimed DC-based comedy troupe Gross National Product (GNP) presents its irreverent, blistering take on the current political landscape in a new revue, Son of a Bush. Bush, Cheney, Kerry, Edwards, Heinz Kerry, Hillary and Tony Blair are just some of the targets in this election year revue, which also features the musical parodies: “West Wing Story,” “The Sound of Musak (Homeland Security)” and “The Un-Official Debates.”
For over 20 years Gross National Product has been performing its rapid-fire revues, dead-on interactive candidates and satirical sketches in front of audiences nationwide. They have appeared before heads of state, heads of corporations and heads of lettuce at The White House, and produced five PBS specials seen nationally and in Europe. A sixth is in the works. The six-member troupe was last seen in New York City in the ’90s at Caroline’s.