About the Show

V-Day NYC 2006 is a benefit performance of The Vagina Monologues to stop violence towards women and girls. Its “spotlight” focus is on “The Comfort Women” – women who were kidnapped and raped by the Japanese Government during World War II. They represent all women raped/abused during war-time. Other beneficiaries include women who have been abused and end up in prison. Net profits will be donated towards V-Day, The Comfort Women, and The Lotus Project.

Celebrity cast includes Kathryn Erbe, Ally Sheedy, Valerie Smaldone, Leslie Ayvazian, Amy Coleman, Senator Liz Krueger, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Jenny Sherwin, Danielle Egnew, Reverend Cheryl M. Walker and others. Bet Williams is a musical guest.

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