Women at Work: Maid in Lebanon

About This Show

Maid in Lebanon is a documentary film by Forward Productions that traces women’s journeys from Sri Lanka to Lebanon, and exposing the little known world of the domestic migrant worker. Since 1973 women have been migrating to Lebanon to fulfill the caring and cleaning needs of wealthier families. This documentary explores the questions of why women migrate, why they often return to the Middle East multiple times and why abuses occur. To be screened with Work and Respect, a short documentary from Domestic Workers United and Third World Newsreel and Swept Under the Rug, an audio slideshow created by Human Rights Watch. Domestic Workers United [DWU] is an organization of Caribbean, Latina and African nannies, housekeepers, and elderly caregivers in New York, organizing for power, respect, fair labor standards and to help build a movement to end exploitation and oppression.

Maid in Lebanon is presented as part of of the Women Center Stage Festival 2008

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: April 23, 2008
Location: The Puffin Room, New York City

435 Broome St,

New York,


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