For all those were turned away at the standing-room-only, sold-out Midnight Frolic of 2007 staged by Mark York Productions and the Ziegfeld Club last November, hang on to your hats!
Back by popular demand (really!), Mark York Productions and the Ziegfeld Club re-stage their stunningly successful production this time as Ziegfeld’s Midnight Frolic of 2008.
Celebrating the magnificence of Broadway, this fast-paced evening, a collection of popular Ziegfeld hits, represents the diversity, wit, and extravagance of Ziegfeld’s original roof-top Frolic productions.
Guest Stars include Tony Award Winner Helen Gallagher, Jane Summerhays and Anita Gillette. With spectacular costumes by George Halley; make-up and hair designs by Margaret Fiedler; musical direction by Aaron Gandy; and elegant, creative choreography by David Auxier, this evening is a ‘value-for-money’ experience not to be missed!