In Home * Land * Security, the Fratelli brothers, those jugglers extraordinaire, refuse to register with the INS. They are on the lam and now no place is safe. Follow the Brother’s exploits as they encounter high-soaring handsome flippers, the Quaker quackers, lions, tigers, and a bevy of deviant divas divulging military secrets, in the Home-iest, Free-ist, Bravest spectacle you’ll see this year. This new show creatively addresses issues and concerns affecting all New Yorkers. Our city is wildly diverse – made up of hundreds of smaller communities, each with its own set of struggles. Facing those struggles head on, hands on, and with hearts on their sleeves, Circus Amok works tough terrain into compelling, yet entertaining art.
June 6: Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn – 6pm
June 7: Prospect Park, Brooklyn – 2pm & 5pm
June 8: McCarren Park, Brooklyn – 4pm
June 12: Marcus Garvey Park, Manhattan – 6pm
June 13: TBA – 6pm
June 14: Coney Island, Brooklyn – 2pm & 5pm
June 15: St. Mark’s Park, Bronx – 4pm
June 19: Devoe Park, Bronx – 6pm
June 20: Herbert von King Park, Brooklyn – 6pm
June 21: Socrates Sculpture Garden, Queens – 4pm
June 22: Tompkins Square Park, Manhattan – 2pm & 5pm