The three-day festival will include readings of plays in development by some of New York’s most exciting emerging playwrights and a new version of a musical that originally premiered in 1997. The purpose of the festival is to give the playwrights a chance to hear their works in development in front of an audience and to give the audience at Bay Street and East End Community a chance to experience cutting edge voices in the theater. Each play will be read by professional actors in its entirety. This year, the Festival will be focused around the theme of “rediscovery.” Two of the three works to be presented have had initial productions, but they are still in the process of development as the writers continue to revise and rediscover their work.
Each reading will be followed by a talkback with time for the playwrights and the audience to ask questions of each other and share their reactions to the play.
April 24th 7pm – A Delicate Ship by Anna Ziegler
April 25th 3pm – The Green Heart by Charles Busch and Rusty Magee
April 25th 7pm – Panel discussion and cocktail reception
April 26th 3pm – Plane Play by Julia Brownell