A beautiful but single thirty something’s obsession with Woody Allen is put to the test by a gallant Frenchman in this delightful romantic comedy. Under constant pressure to marry from her increasingly anxious Jewish parents, Alice fills prescriptions alongside her father at their family-owned pharmacy. Rather than dating, she seeks refuge in the world of Woody Allen, engaging in imaginary conversations and surrounding herself with images of the iconic filmmaker, continually quoting his trademark witty Woody-cisms and even prescribing her customers DVDs of his movies to help alleviate their ailments. Will a chance finally bring her a winning suitor and happy ending? “A fun, fluffy, but chic romantic comedy that looks so effortless.” Time Out”Utterly endearing. As lively and wonderful as Paris in spring.” Le Figaro.
French with subtitles.
Part of the 11th JCC Rockland International Jewish Film Festival.