NEw York’s home-grown action heroes launch themselves and inanimate objects into the spring air.
David Van Tieghem provides the interactive soundtrack.
Elizabeth Streb and her Action Faction take a closer look at the ordinary, inanimate things around us in Streb: Catapult, their Spring Home season show at S.L.A.M. (Streb Lab for Action Mechanics) their spacious playground and launching pad for new ideas and new moves. David van Tieghem’s sinuous, evocative soundtrack is the perfect accompaniment to STREB’s ongoing romantic adventure with gravity.
Catapult! includes continuing exploration of some exciting new pieces in the lineup: Artificial Gravity, a 20 foot in diameter spinning surface with the ability to hurl the intrepid performers in any direction. Translation in which harnessed performers traverse a vertical wall as if it were a horizontal dance floor and Polar Wander in which the performers partner with a simple, elegant spinning steel eye beam, like an airborne shark.