Age of Arousal enters the boldly uncensored world of loosened corsets as five Victorian women pursue a new age where erotic freedom reigns supreme. It’s 1885 and a population imbalance leaves England flooded with half a million more women than men. Invigorated by the rise in numbers, the Women’s Suffrage Movement is now stronger than ever as non-married, or “Odd Women,” advance towards sexual and financial independence.
Determined to empower females with the technology of the workplace, an ex-Suffragette initiates a school for secretaries complete with an arsenal of Remington typewriters. Can she lead the way and see her vision of women as managers, business owners, even political world leaders come to fruition?
Sexy, fresh, and funny, this is the U.S. Premiere of the newest work from one of Canada’s leading playwrights, who brought audiences to their feet at Calgary’s 2007 Enbridge playRites Festival.