About the Show
Drag culture meets drawing room dramedy in Mae West’s flamboyantly funny show! Set in New York City during the 1920s, Dr. James Richmond searches to cure homosexuality with the best of intentions, while his friend Judge Kingsbury rails against their moral degradation. His son, Rolly Kingsbury, is married to Clair, his childhood sweetheart and the Doctor’s daughter. Unbeknownst to his family, Rolly has a flamboyant group of friends who all participate in the drag lifestyle. He is even known to host drag parties, and is infatuated with his business partner, Allen Grayson. Rolly’s charmed life comes to a screeching halt thanks to thwarted ex-lovers, and a cold blooded murder. Those left behind are forced to reconcile the reality of who he was with the image they all believed in. It’s a love triangle topped with a decadent celebration of drag!