Based on a 1960 movie, Little Shop of Horrors tells the story of Seymour, a meek florist who makes a deal with a tiny plant in order to win the girl he loves. The mysterious plant, however, needs blood to survive, and by the end of the show, practically all of the principal characters have been devoured by the growing plant.
For years now Little Shop of Horrors has made stage and screen audiences howl with laughter. Seymour allows his craving for fame and fortune to seduce him into playing nursemaid to the man-eating plant. The circumstances surrounding the growing plant’s demands for more and more sustenance are accompanied by witty parodies of sixties music. Between bites, the carnivorous Audrey II, named after Seymour’s secret love, brings down the house singing rhythm and blues!
A Singing Plant. A Daring Hero. A Sweet Girl. A Demented Dentist. It’s the most outrageous musical comedy in years.
You’ll come away humming the tunes.