The Neo-Futurists return to Woolly with a brand new set of 30 mini plays performed in a dizzying 60-minute race against the clock. In this long-running late-night sensation from Chicago, you never know what’s coming next. But you know it features the Neo’s signature performance style with a zany mix of heady and ridiculous subject matter. The perfect holiday treat for DC’s savvy audiences, every performance of TMLMTBGB is a unique experience not to be missed.
The Neo-Futurists, creators of over 60 original, full-length productions, are a collective of wildly productive writer/director/performers who create immediate, non-illusory, interactive and head slappingly affordable performances. From their theater above a Chicago funeral home, they have toured from San Francisco to Romania and won the coveted Fringe First Award at the Edinburgh Festival. Their acclaimed play 43 Plays for 43 Presidents was performed for President Jimmy Carter (he liked it!).